Periódico Institucional la Academia

Boletines de prensa

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Psychology Program Required

The program of Psychology attached to the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences, the Popular University of Cesar, has open the call until 8 March, to hire young talent to direct the subjects; Historical Foundations, Psychological Epistemology and Psychological Interview, in addition, accompany the processes of construction and development of support material of academic type and research activities.

Read more: Psychology Program Required

Advance accreditation for high quality

With visit of Academic Pairs to the institution in order to evaluate to accredit for high quality the program of Degree in Mathematics and Physics of the institution

With activities concentrated today in the Sabanas headquarters of the Popular University of Cesar, continues the visit of the Academic Pairs designated by the Ministry of National Education to accredit by High Quality the Degree Program in Mathematics and Physics of the institution.

Read more: Advance accreditation for high quality

Ministra de Educación inauguró obras en nuestra Alma Mater

De acuerdo a como estaba agendado, la Ministra de Educación Nacional, Yaneth Giha Tovar, inauguró importantes obras de infraestructura y logística académica en la Universidad Popular del Cesar, el acto se desarrolló en el campus Universitario, sede Sabanas, y al cual asistieron además, el Gobernador del Departamento, Francisco Ovalle Angarita, los congresistas José Alfredo Gnneco, Cristian José Moreno y Eloy Quintero, al igual que el rector del Alma Mater, Carlos Emiliano Oñate Gómez, como anfitrión.

Read more: Ministra de Educación inauguró obras en nuestra Alma Mater

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