Periódico Institucional la Academia

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Wednesday, October 09, 2024

See Management Report effective 2016 and participate with suggestions and concerns

Mar 09 2017

aking into account that one of the guiding principles of public administrations is transparency in the management and citizen participation, the Popular University of Cesar has made available to the community in general and the different university departments the corresponding Management Report To 2016, which is published on the website of the institution https://goo.gl/F4m71P and contains the most significant contributions made in the transformation of the university.

This report recounts the activities carried out by the university during the 2016 period, led by Carlos Emiliano Oñate Gómez, in his capacity as Rector.

The content of this document is composed of the management advanced by the Academic, Administrative, Vice-Rectorate of Investigation and the Vice-Rectorial Section Aguachica. This information is organized in the ten Institutional Strategic Axes: Institutional Welfare, Development of Human Talent, Technological Development, Academic Excellence, Internationalization, Research, Flexible and Efficient Organization, Community Orientation, University / Business and Financial.

The results indicated here correspond to the Academic, Investigative, Administrative and Financial, Legal, Informatics, Infrastructure and Social Projection.

Through the website of the institution (www.unicesar.edu.co) the academic community and community in general, can make suggestions and formulate concerns related to the published document.

In addition to the presentation that Rector Oñate Gómez makes of this information, it is indicated that "today we are summoned an important reason: to see how much we have done to build that idea of university that we defend." A university whose vision and mission dialogue with reality Sociocultural and historical context of our country.A university whose essential policy is to form an integral and integral professional that can propose contextual solutions, and that faces the model of country that we dream.

It is to be remembered that the Public Hearing of Accountability of the UPC, effective 2016, will be held on Wednesday, March 29 of this year, beginning at eight in the morning in the auditorium Jaime Molina Maestre of the headquarters of Bellas Arts of the institution.
For more information: Libanis Arguelles Daza, Head Office of Planning UPC, Cel: 3116516330
Journalist: Federman García, Ce: 3004537835

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