The birth of the Tourism And Hotel Companies Management Program takes place from a study carried out with the intention of establishing the level of interest for potential students (last grades of secondary education) and the needs of the hotel and tourism industry in Valledupar , for the old Professional Technician in Tourism Operation and Technology in Tourism Management programs offered by the Faculty of Accounting and Economic Administrative Sciences of the Popular University of Cesar, said study yielded as a result that both students and industry, demanded the creation of a program professional.

The result of the study was unquestionable, for which the study ended up becoming the elaboration of the document for the creation of a professional program in Hospitality and Tourism. The Professional Technician in Tourism Operation and Technology in Tourism Management programs had not had the expected demand, along with the aggravating factor that the MEN had made the decision not to renew the registry of programs offered under the modality of preparatory cycles, which further accentuated the need to change course and create a professional program, for which the Academic Council of the Popular University of Cesar decides not to seek the renewal of the registry of the previously named programs and instead, to work on the document to the apply for the registry of the Professional Program in Hospitality and Tourism, this under the Agreement of the Academic Council 037 of July 27, 2016.

From that moment on, began the task of carrying out a new market study aimed at determining the acceptance and/or viability of the program surveying the department's high school students and the tourism operators (Hotels, Hostels, Restaurants, Travel Agencies, among others.), for the graduate profile needed and the skills that should guide the Study Plan.

At the same time that the profile demanded by the business sector was being defined, an analysis of the study plans offered regionally, nationally and internationally was carried out, in order to create a study plan that not only met the needs of the sector but also consider aspects such as the mobility of students and teachers, which would respond to the needs and demands of the environment, and finally the homologation of previous competences which would allow people with technical, technological courses and empirical knowledge, to become professional in a shorter period of time.

Thus, under these premises and under a proposal based on entities such as FENALCO, COTELCO, Chamber of Commerce and the Municipal and Departmental Tourism Secretaries, the Tourism and Hotel Business Administration program was created under the internal regulation - Superior Council Agreement N. 039 of September 18, 2018, modified by Agreement 011 of May 20, 2019. After this the program was visited by peers from the Ministry on November 22, 23 and 24, 2018, during this visit the academic peers suggested the change of designation from Hotels and Tourism to the Tourism And Hotel Companies Management Program, following the professional suitability and the regulations of the Professional Council of Business Administration - CPAE, the body that grants professional licenses for programs in this training area. Once the recommendations made by the academic peers were addressed, the program receives their qualified registration under Resolution 014965 of December 18, 2019 and correction with the resolution of MEN 007906 of May 20, 2020.

Despite complying with all legal provisions, the Tourism And Hotel Companies Management Program could not offer its first semester during the second academic period of 2020 due to the difficulties caused by the pandemic, for which the Academic Council in virtual session of the April 2, 2020 approved to offer the program only until the 2021-1 period.

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© 2017 - Universidad Popular del Cesar, Sede Administrativa Balneario Hurtado Vía a Patillal- Valledupar Cesar – Colombia.
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